Successful Strategies to Increase Productivity

Just 16 weeks to 21% increase in productivity

Put a STOP LOSS order on Low Productivity

Create Employee Engagement, Attract and Retain Talent

Now 6X PRODUCTIVITY with my ATREP method in 16 Weeks

WITHOUT Additional Investment Or Extra Manpower

Organisations often miss the fundamental truth that high productivity is a direct result of managing and retaining talent. This requires a razor sharp focus on the employee experience.

Employees today demand more from their companies. They want meaningful work and managers who care for them as people and provide ongoing communication, clear work expectations, and opportunities to learn and grow.

If These Questions Ever Came To Your Mind, You Are Not Alone

1. Everyone is so busy yet why things don’t happen on time?

2. After giving a clear instruction, why do I have to follow up to know the results?

3. Why is there so much gap in inter-departmental communication?

4. Why the productivity is not as expected even after all the efforts I make to keep the employees happy?

5. We conduct regular trainings, why the effects of trainings don’t last?

6. We invested in an expensive software, why can’t I see any change in output?

7. Why is it so difficult to get good people into the company?

8. Why new hires don’t stay and leave within 6 months to 1 year?

Six Impacts of Low Productivity

1. Reduced profitability

Lower productivity results in poor performance of employees which affects the quality of deliverables. When the end-users are not satisfied with the product/service, profitability will go down.

Moreover, time and cost spent on the resources that are not performing at their best also reduce the profit margins. Productivity is, therefore, a major deciding factor in the profit margins for the organization.

2. Employee disengagement and lower team morale

Low productivity influences the team morale and engagement. There is a decline in initiatives taken by employees. Besides, employees will be least interested in resolving business issues.

With employee disengagement comes lowered team spirit. Team members do not feel valued which affects their performance and may eventually lead to their separation from the organisation

3. Sub-optimal utilization of the workforce

Even if employees are 100% utilized, it does not imply that they are productive. There is a chance they are spending their time on mundane admin tasks or non-billable activities.

This will further reduce their productivity. The other employees will also be at risk of being over-utilized on high-priority billable tasks.

Over-utilization is another major cause of reduced work-rate. Thus, the low productivity of one employee causes a domino effect on the entire team leading to overall poor performance.

4. Lack of motivation and creativity

Innovation is the key to gain a competitive advantage in the business industry. If your employees’ are not working at their best due to low productivity, they will not be motivated to come up with creative ideas. More so even, they will not be able to provide solutions to the existing problems.

5. Loss of an existing client

Low productivity causes a ripple effect of inefficiency in the organization. Lowered team spirits and a team of unmotivated employees eventually leads to delays in meeting client needs. Productivity essentially means doing more in less time. 

When the company fails to deliver to customers on time, they will look for alternatives, which will cost you the loss of an existing client.

6. Workplace toxicity and high employee turnover

An external influence is imperative when employees are unproductive. However, if their managers are also reacting unfavorably, it will make the work environment toxic. A study by SHRM shows that nearly one-fifth of the employees left their jobs in last 5 years because of toxic work culture.

This study clearly explains how workplace toxicity and employee turnover are correlated.  Also, when the word about toxic work culture goes out, you also scare away potential talent from joining.

Important Statistics

Job seekers citing company culture as VERY IMPORTANT when choosing a company to apply for a job
Job seekers turning down a job offer because of company culture
Number of employees likely to quit if they do not like the company culture
Employees citing trust in senior management as important for their satisfaction
Likelihood of millennials leaving job for lack of professional development opportunities
Employees describing performance reviews as unhelpful


Achieve your business objectives with tailored solutions using ATREP a practical and easy to adopt Talent Management and Retention program that does not require any additional investment in resources (financial or manpower). See how it works.





Reduction in ATTRITION


Reduction in ABSENTEEISM


Improvement in QUALITY


Increase Productivity Upto 21% in Just 16 Weeks

My solutions are not about ‘theory’ or teaching principles of management. I focus on delivering practical solutions that you can apply and experience the change within days.