Diagnostic & Assessment Inventories
Assessments for Education

Transactional Styles Teacher (TSI-T)
Helps teachers understand their interactional style interacting with students, colleagues or others. This is a powerful assessment of interpersonal behaviour. A teacher can enhance her effectiveness multifold with this understanding. Not only with students but also with colleagues and others.

Transactional Style Counsellor (TSI-C)
Helps Counsellor's/Coaches understand their interactional style interacting with students, clients or trainees. This is a powerful assessment of interpersonal behaviour. A coach can enhance his/her effectiveness multifold with this understanding. Not only with students but also with clients and trainees.

Leadership Profile Education (LP-E)
Managers can effectively run organisations but only leaders can build them. Leadership is broader than management. How an individual makes an impact on others to move them in a desired direction defines the person's leadership style. Use this assessment to identify your dominant style and changes you might want.

Employee Engagement Scale (EES)
With employee disengagement comes lowered team spirit. When work is not progressing well, or when the team members do not feel valued, it will affect their performance. This may eventually lead to their separation from the organization. Employee engagement is the critical factor for high productivity and low employee turnover.

Organisation Culture (OCTAPACE)
At the base of ethos are core values. The eight important values relevant to organisation building are openness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, proaction, autonomy, collaboration and experimentation. This instrument is used to assess current culture and appropriate design interventions for observed gaps.

Role Efficacy Scale
Unless a person has the requisite knowledge, technical competence and skills required for the role, he cannot be effective. Equally important is how the role, which he occupies in the organisation is designed. It is the integration of the two (the person and the role) that ensures a person's effectiveness.